War Cap aka. If You're Not Angry You're Not Paying Attention

War Cap aka. If You're Not Angry You're Not Paying Attention
This hat is a protest piece and a talisman of empowerment. The shape and color mimics the trench helmets of the First World War. Lightweight rose gold studs add a street style edge. In contrast, the hat body is velour rabbit fur-felt that is plush and protective on your head. War Cap is soft for when you need a hug, and hard for when you need to rant.
Handmade in USA
•Size: Available in headsizes 21 - 23 1/2 *Please specify size at Checkout
•Body: Dark Emerald Velour Rabbit Fur Felt
•Trim: Plastic Metallic Studs, Rayon Grosgrain Inner Band
Made to Order, production lead time 1-3 weeks
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